Congo Hemorrhagic Fever:
Congo hemorrhagic fever is a severe viral infection caused by Nairovirus of Bunyaviridae family. It is primarily spread by number of ticks which commonly live in the domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and goats�����. Although disease is quite common in Africa and middle east but number of cases has been reported in many Asian countries as well.
Congo virus is transmitted to human beings by the bite of infected ticks after contact with blood of infected animals .Alarmingly, transmission from human to human also occurs because of contact with blood and other secretions of infected persons. Hospital acquired infections have also been reported due to improper sterilization of medical equipment and reuse of syringes.
It takes 3-7 days to develop signs & symptoms of Congo Hemorrhagic Fever after entry of virus in a healthy person. Characteristically fever, generalized pains especially headache and backache are the presenting features. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting followed by agitation/confusion also accompany these patient. In complicated cases, these features are followed by appearance of petechie, ecchymosis & hemorrhage from skin & different mucous membranes. One third of the patient ultimately have fatal outcome. Death in most cases is reported in 2nd week of illness. Recovery in remaining patients start after 10th day of illness.
Diagnosis of Congo hemorrhagic fever needs confirmation for which number of specialized tests for the detection of antigen or virus are available which includes ELISA, PCR and cell culture.
Most of the patients are managed by supported care which include relief of fever bodyaches and pains, adequate hydration and blood transfusion as and when required. Use of anti-viral drugs/Ribavirin has also been found effective in this infection.
Health education of the masses regarding the care of domestic animals in general and at the time of slaughtering is the main preventive measures.
Use of acaricides for the killing of ticks over infested animals, use of gloves by poultry workers and appropriate disposal of the secretions of infected patients are the major preventive measures until the availability of an effective vaccine which is not currently available. Thus, it is the duty of the health authorities to educate people about these preventive measures and by using electronic and print media.
Dr. Rizwan Gohar Prof Agha Shabbir Ali
S.R Pediatrics Department Head of Pediatrics Department
LGH, Lahore. PGMI/AMC/LGH, Lahore.
Polio Drops Timings
08:00 AM to 01:00 PM (Outdoor)
Friday 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Outdoor) |
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The Administration of LGH has cancelled the MOU
with NTS Authority regarding recuritment of staff
Applications submitted through NTS will not be
entertained.LGH will soon announce the date of
receipt of applications. |
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March for Army Public School(Peshwar)
Chief Organizer:
Prof. Khalid Mehmood
Principal PGMI/AMC/LGH
Chief Guest:
Guest of Honour:
Mr. Khawaja Salman Rafique (Advisor to CM on Health)
Date:14th December 2015
From PGMI to Shadman Chowk |
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Workshop on Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSDs)
Chief Organizer:
Prof. Agha Shabbir Ali
Head of Pediatrics Department
Conference Room Pediatric Ward , LGH, Lahore.
Date:Tuesday, 5th January 2016th,
Time:9:00 AM 12:00 |
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Walk on World Diabetes Day
Chief Organizer:
Prof. Ghias Un Nabi Tayyab
Prof. of Medicine.
Organising secretary:
Dr. Muhammad Imran Hasan
Associate Prof. of Medicine PGMI/LGH
Organize By:
DEMC/PGMI/LGH, Medical Unit-I, LGH, Lahore.
Chief Guest:
Mr. Sohail Ahmed (Azizi).
Date:14th November 2015
11:00 AM
From LGH Emergency Gate to Stall Area
Last date for registration:
26-10-2015 |
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Diabetes Education Workshop
Chief Organizer:
Prof. Ghias Un Nabi Tayyab
Prof. of Medicine.
Organising secretary:
Dr. Muhammad Imran Hasan
Associate Prof. of Medicine.
Gastro Auditorium, Medical Unit-I, LGH, Lahore.
Date:30th - 31st October 2015
Last date for registration:
26-10-2015 |
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15th Workshop on Dengue Fever
Chief Organizer:
Prof. Agha Shabbir Ali
Head of Pediatrics Department
Conference Room Pediatric Ward , LGH, Lahore.
Date:Saturday, August 29th, 2015
Time:9:00 AM 11:15 AM |
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2nd Alumni of PGMI
Ali Institute Auditorium, Ferozepur Road, Lahore.
Near Gulab Devi Hospital
Registration (Last Date):Saturday, June 06, 2015
Registration Fee:
Professor Rs.2,000/-
Associate Prof. Rs.1,500/-
Assistant Prof. Rs.1,500/-
Demonstrator/PGR Rs.1,000/-
Date:Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Time:05:00 PM |
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Conference Room Pediatric Ward LGH, Lahore.
Date:Thrusday, June 11th, 2015
Time:9:00 AM 02:00 PM |
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2nd Workshop on Neonatal Resuscitation
Conference Room Pediatric Ward LGH, Lahore.
Date:Saturday, June 13th, 2015
Time:10:00 AM 01:00 PM
Registration Contact:Dr Rizwan gohar Senior registrar
03004204215 email. [email protected]
Headed By:Prof Agha shabbir ali , Prof Rashid Mehmood |
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5th 17th Annual Conference of
Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
Organised by:
Department of Anesthesia, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Supervised by:
Prof. Khalid Bashir,
HOD,Department of Anesthesia, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Pearl Continental,Lahore
Date:Friday-Sunday, April 03-05, 2015 |
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5th Symposium & Live Workshop on Endourology
Organised by:
Department of Urology, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Supervised by:
Prof. Safdar Ali Shah,
HOD,Department of Urology, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Department of Urology, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Date:Monday, February 23, 2015
Time:09:00 AM to 03:00 PM |
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Fetal Surveillance
(Pre-Conference Workshop)
Antenatal Fetal Surveillance
Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance
NICHD-FHR Classification & Suggested Management
Fetal Surveillance of Surgically Correctable Fetal Anomalies
3rd Trimester Fetal Surveillance by Ultrasound
Organised by:
Department of Obs. & Gynae., PGMI/AMC/LGH
Prof. Nuzhat Khawaja
Prof. of Obs. & Gynae., PGMI/AMC/LGH
Dr. Naela Tarique
Associate Prof. of Obs. & Gynae., PGMI/AMC/LGH
Dr Farzana Latif, Assistant Prof., PGMI/AMC/LGH
Neuro Auditorium, LGH, Lahore.
Date:Friday, February 13, 2015 |
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Basic Knee Arthroscopy Workshop
Organized By:
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Collaboration with:
Pakistan Orthopaedic Association
Learning Resource Center
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Registration Fee:Rs. 1000
(Limited seats)
Contact:Mr. Muhammad Akram
0345 4703901
Date:February 11, 2015 |
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Seminar: Dengue Fever Diagnosis & Management
Prof. Dr. Jawad Zaheer
Prof. of Medicine.
Dr. Kashif Aziz Ahmad
Medical Unit-II, LGH, Lahore.
Date:Monday, January 19, 2015, 10:30 AM |
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Award Distribution Cermony
Organized By:
Prof. Irfan Mehboob
Prof. of Orthopaedic.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, LGH, Lahore.
Date:January 17, 2015
Time:11:30 AM to 12:30 PM |
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5thAnnual Scientific Symposium
BLS Workshop
Organised by:
Department of Pediatrics, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Prof. Agha Shabbir Ali
Prof. of Pediatric, PGMI/AMC/LGH
Conference Room, Pediatric Department, LGH, Lahore.
Date:Wednesday, January 14, 2015 |
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